Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Week Two - Dogeared: Thing three of twenty-three

Oh man...the hardest thing was coming up with a name for my blog! I wanted to use something really cool having to do with a certain superhero who was also a librarian, but it was already taken by some girl in England :-( I probably spent another day and a half trying to think of something clever and library related. I had a few failed attempts, and then I think I finally I got it right.
The name I chose brought back a memory of how irritated I used to get when people returned books with the pages dogeared, and how I would stand there patiently in the Sorting Room straightening them out. It made me feel better :-)
I had a friend tell me the other day though, that if a personal paperback copy of a book is completely dogeared and tattered, it usually means it's a sure sign that it's a favorite. Hmmmm hadn't thought about it like that before, but I think he's right.
So blog!

1 comment:

Minerva said...

Ok, so maybe a dogeared book is a favorite, but... hasn't anyone heard of bookmarks?!